Rabu, 24 Juni 2015


Boulevard Street
Bekasi 17115

June 15, 2015
PT. Kencana
Jln.Merdeka Raya no.30
Jakarta 12300

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have ordered 12 packs consist of 12 clothes of new modeled Trusmi Batik  on your Boutique which I ordered by phone on June 11. I received the order on September 14.  When I received those packs of Batik, there was one packs missing. I only got 11 packs of 12 packs that I ordered. To know whether there was one pack missing, you can check the  amount of Batik whcih  left  your Butique stock.

To resolve that problem, I would like you to send me one pack of modeled Trusmi Batik like I ordered before. Or if the pack of modeled Tursmi batik which I ordered had been ordered by somebody else, I hope you give me back the money for the amount charge of the Tursmi Batik pack.

I have been your costumer for long time, and you know it as well. This the first time I get the problem like this relate to your service. If you need to contact me, you can call me at 0857444449.


Deddy ardiansyah

Kamis, 07 Mei 2015


Seven Siblings Limited
17 Sweet Road, West Bandung Tlp. 022-8765432 Post Code 41134

April 9, 2015
Purchase Order

Toko Sari Rasa                                                  
11 Main Street
Palembang, SumSel
ZIP CODE 91234

Attention : Mr. Jono

Dear Mr. Jono :
Please accept this purchase order for the following :

 Unit Price
Single Brush Polisher Colombia 400
Extractor SX 144


We require shipment by Mei 2, 2015 to :

PT Pamana Jaya
No. 1 Jl. Cileungsi,
Bogor, Indonesia
Post Code 40156

Please refer to this order as "purchase order # SS01234. Should you need more information, please contact me at 62-22-756756 at your earliest convenience or email me at siblings@seven.com.


Deddy Ardiansyah


April 28, 2015
Mr. Andrean
PT. Sejahtera Company 
Jakarta Timur 
 (021) 855-5599 

Dear Mr. Andrean
I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references.
The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:
1.      I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications
2.      I strive for continued excellence
3.      I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers
With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.
Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.
I can be reached anytime via my cell phone, 021-855-5599.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.

Deddy Ardiansyah

Minggu, 05 April 2015


Seven Siblings Limited
17 Sweet Road, West Bandung Tlp. 022-8765432 Post Code 41134

July 9, 2013
Purchase Order

Toko Engle
11 Main Street
San Fransisco, USA
ZIP CODE 91234

Attention : Miss Kim Jackson

Dear Miss Jackson :
Please accept this purchase order for the following :

 Unit Price
 Single Brush Polisher Colombia 400
 $ 3,000
 $ 12,000
 Extractor SX 144
 $ 2,000
 $  8,000

 $ 20,000

We require shipment by August 17, 2013 to :

PT Pama
No. 1 Jl. Cileungsi,
Bogor, Indonesia
Post Code 40156

Please refer to this order as "purchase order # SS01234. Should you need more information, please contact me at 62-22-756756 at your earliest convenience or email me at siblings@seven.com.


Dede Prana
Purchasing Manager

Rabu, 01 April 2015


January 28, 2012

Mr. Richard Kelvin
XYZ Company 
87 Delaware Road 
Hatfield, CA 08065 
(909) 555-5555 

Dear Mr. James Bond
I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references.

The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:
I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications
I strive for continued excellence
I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers
With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.

Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.
I can be reached anytime via email at george.gillhooley@email.com or my cell phone, 909-555-5555.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.



Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris

Jakarta, February 13th 2014

Attention To: Human Resources Department
PT. Jakarta Realty
Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 50A
South Jakarta, Indonesia 12970

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have read from your advertisement at Kompas that your company is looking for employees to hold some position. Based on the advertisement, I am interested in applying application for Engineer position according with my background educational as Engineering Physics.

My name is Indra Dijaya, I am twenty three years old. I have graduated from Engineering Physics Department ISTN on April 2013. My specialization in Engineering Physics is Instrumentation and Control specialist. I consider myself that I have qualifications as you want. I have good motivation for progress and growing, eager to learn, and can work with a team (team work) or by myself. Beside that I posses adequate computer skill and have good command in English (spoken and written).

With my qualifications, I confident that I will be able to contribute effectively to your company. Herewith I enclose my :

1. Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate and Academic Transcript.
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. Copy of Job Training Certificate from Unocal Indonesia Company.
4. Recent photograph with size of 4x6

I would express my gratitude for your attention and I hope I could follow your recruitment test luckily.


Modifikasi Honda City

Modifikasi Honda City biasanya dilakukan karena kebanyakan pemilik mobil sedan ini tidak puas dengan fitur dan desain asli. Harus diakui bahwa fitur dan desain mobil ini tidak jauh beda dengan sedan lain. Bahkan, dibandingkan dengan sedan-sedan pabrikan yang lain, desian Honda City ini tampak kurang menarik. Agar membuat City berada di level yang lebih tinggi, modifikasi menjadi satu-satunya pilihan. Honda City akan menjadi sedan super menarik di jalan raya.
Modifikasi Honda City SQ Terbaru
Pecinta sedan, terutama kawula muda, sangat terobsesi memiliki mobil sedan dengan pintu hidrolik ke atas. Kesan sporty memang jelas terlihat dari fitur ini. Menerapkan pintu hidrolik ke atas bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif jika melakukan modifikasi Honda City. Akan tetapi, menerapkan pintu mobil hidrolik tersebut tidak sempurna jika tidak menambahkan fitur-fitur lain agar mobil sedan ini benar-benar sporty. Modifikasi juga sebaiknya dilakukan dengan mengganti bumper sporty. Pemasangan fog lamp pada bumber tidak hanya mempercantik penampilan mobil dari depan, tapi juga berguna ketika berkendara di daerah berkabut.

Agar modifikasi tidak hanya berkutat pada desain, modifikasi interior harus juga dilakukan agar kenyamanan berkendara tidak terlupakan. Pemasangan multimedia system seperti layar LED atau penambahan port tertentu agar ponsel pintar bisa terkoneksi dengan sistem yang diterapkan pada mobil. Beberapa ide lain bisa dikolaborasikan agar modifikasi Honda City ini sempurna.