1 | Wage | Upah |
2 | Rent | Sewa rumah |
3 | Profit | Modal/keuntungan |
4 | Invisible hand | Mekanisme pasar |
5 | Rent | Pajak |
6 | Refreshing entries | Jurnal pembalik |
7 | Credit | Kredit |
8 | Deflation | Deflasi |
9 | Gross domestic bruto | GDB |
10 | Account | Rekening |
11 | Assets | Harta/aktiva |
12 | Cost | Biaya/beban |
13 | Variabel cost | Biaya variabel |
14 | Fixed cost | Biaya tetap |
15 | Semi variabel cost | Biaya semi variabel |
16 | Semi fixed cost | Biaya semi fixed |
17 | Direct cost | Biaya langsung |
18 | Indirect cost | Biaya tak langsung |
19 | Inflation | Inflasi |
20 | Interest | Bunga |
21 | Export | Ekspor |
22 | Import | Impor |
23 | Model acceleration | Model percepatan |
24 | Accommodating policy | Kebijakan akomodasi |
25 | Accounting profit | Laba akuntansi |
26 | Acyclical | Asiklikal |
27 | Adaptive expectations | Ekspektasi adaptif |
28 | Aggregate | Agregat |
29 | Debt | Debit |
30 | Aggregate supply curve | Kurva penawaran agregat |
31 | Animal spirits | Jiwa binatang |
32 | Appreciation | Apresiasi |
33 | Arbitrage | Arbitrasi |
34 | Aotomatic stabilizer | Penstabil otomatis |
35 | Average propensity to consume | Kecenderungan mengkonsumsi rata-rata |
36 | Gross domestic product | GDP |
37 | Investation | Investasi |
38 | Cash | Kas |
39 | Account receivable | Piutang |
40 | Broker | Pialang |
41 | National income | Pendapatan nasional |
42 | Minimum wages | Upah minimum |
43 | Production | Produksi |
44 | Rate of inflation | Laju inflasi |
45 | Stock market | Bursa saham |
46 | Return of capital | Pengembalian modal |
47 | Quality exchange | Kualitas pertukaran |
48 | Producers surplus | Surplus produsen |
49 | National debt | Hutang nasional |
50 | Bond | Obligasi |
51 | Administrative cost | Biaya administrasi |
52 | Actual cost | Biaya aktual |
53 | Relevant cost | Biaya relevan |
54 | Opportunity cost | Biaya kesempatan |
55 | Marginal cost | Biaya marginal |
56 | Differencial cost | Biaya diferensial |
57 | Imputed cost | Biaya modal sendiri |
58 | Job order costing | Harga pokok pesanan |
59 | Processing costing | Harga pokok proses |
60 | Commited fixed cost | Biaya tetap commited |
61 | Mixed cost | Biaya campuran |
62 | Break evev point | Titik impas |
63 | Product cost | Biaya produksi |
64 | Joint cost | Biaya bersama |
65 | Cost accounting | Akuntansi biaya |
66 | Accounting | Akuntansi |
67 | Current asset | Harta lancar |
68 | Fixed asset | Aktiva tetap |
69 | BUMD | Badan usaha milik daerah |
70 | BUMN | Badan usaha milik negara |
71 | Banks | Bank |
72 | Rural banks | Bank pengkreditan rakyat |
73 | Commercial banks | Bank umum |
74 | Life insurance | Asuransi jiwa |
75 | Indemnity insurance | Asuransi kerugian |
76 | Social insurance | Asuransi sosial |
77 | Credit investation | Kredit investasi |
78 | Credit to banks | Kredit kepada bank |
79 | Credit to public enterprices | Kredit kepada perusahaan negara |
80 | Credit consumption | Kredit konsumsi |
81 | Credit capital work | Kredit modal kerja |
82 | Goverment | Pemerintah |
83 | Local goverment | Pemerintah daerah |
84 | Central goverment | Pemerintah pusat |
85 | Pension funds | Dana pensiun |
86 | Budget surplus | Surplus anggaran |
87 | Budget line | Garis anggaran |
88 | Inventory | Persediaan |
89 | Period cost | Biaya periode |
90 | Prime cost | Biaya utama |
91 | Conversion cost | Biaya konversi |
92 | Cost of goods manufactured | Beban pokok produksi |
93 | Raw materials | Bahan baku |
94 | Direct labor | Tenaga kerja langsung |
95 | Overhead | Biaya overhead pabrik |
96 | Work in process inventory | Persediaan dalam proses |
97 | Finish goods inventory | Persediaan barang jadi |
98 | Manufacturing firm | Perusahaan manufaktur |
99 | Cost of goods manufactured statement | Laporan harga produksi |
100 | posting | Pemindahbukuan |